A good painter is to paint two main things, men and the working of man's mind.

Drawing is speaking to the eye; talking is painting to the ear.

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.

Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend.

Good painters imitate nature, bad ones spew it up.

I do not paint a portrait to look like the subject, rather does the person grow to look like his portrait.

I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.

I paint objects as I think them not as I see them.

I paint things as they are. I don't comment. I record.

I've been forty years discovering that the queen of all colors is black.

If we could but paint with the hand what we see with the eye.

In old times men used their powers of painting to show the objects of faith, in later times they use the objects of faith to show their powers of painting.

Painting does not come from intelligence so much, as from sight and feeling and invention.

Painting is a faith, and it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion.

Painting is a way to forget life. It is a cry in the night, a strangled laugh.

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.

Painting is silent poetry and poetry spoken, painting.

Pictures and shapes are but secondary objects and please or displease only in the memory.

Sunlight is painting.

The best portraits are those in which there is a slight mixture of caricature.

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